Building the Solar Capital of Australia in Collinsville, QLD (240)
Edify Energy is a leading Australian (owned and resourced) renewable energy developer. We are currently constructing a total of 378MWp large scale solar projects in Collinsville connecting to the Powerlink 275/132kV substation at Strathmore. The first plant will be operational in March 2018 and the last plant operational in July 2018. The construction includes the construction of three large substations, installing over 2million PV modules and mobilising 900 employees to a remote town.The topics we propose to cover include:
- negotiating connection agreements
- working collaboratively with the local NSP
- community engagement
- negotiating EC contracts in excess of A$500M
- Designing for 30year operational life
- bringing leading edge global renewable energy technology to Australia
- Developing a broader skill base in remote QLD for operational support