(Double tap a session to add to favourites)
Registration and arrival Tea & Coffee
Welcome to EECON 2018
Keynote Speaker : Mike Swanston Principle Consultant - The Customer Advocate
Plenary Panel Session 1: Connected Futures- "The Power of working together for customers" Panel - Paul Simshauser - Infigen Energy, Felicity Galuzzo - PowerCor Network Services, Matthew Webb, Head of Asset Investment, Ausgrid
Morning Tea
Poster Presentations on Display
Session 1A: Innovative Developments for Communities and Customers
Session 1B: Integreating renewables into networks - opportunities and challenges
Poster Presentations on Display
Session 2A:Understanding Customers and Community
Session 2B: Engineering Innovations Supporting Networks
Afternoon Tea
Session 3A: Industry Collaborating to Drive Innovation
Session 3B: Engineering Innovations Supporting Networks
Day 1 - Close by Session Chair
Networking and Pre Dinner drinks
EECON 2018 Conference Dinner & Energy Excellence Awards
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